1. Báo cáo đăng tạp chí

Laborer Status and the Effect of Vocational Training on Employment and Income of Rural Laborers in Kien Giang Province, Vietnam. Global Journal of Human - Social Sciences, 15, 4 (2015): 1-4. Nguyễn Quang Tuyến      

Livelihood Diversification Strategies of Khmer and Kinh Farmers in the Mekong Delta since the 1993 Land Law. 2014. Nguyễn Quang Tuyến      


  • Responding to rising sea-levels in Vietnam’s Mekong Delta. Journal of Nature Climate Change. Nhà xuất bản:Journal of Nature Climate Change. 2013. Smajgl, A    Đặng Kiều Nhân      , TQToan và ctv

  • Up to 52 % N fertilizer replaced by biofertilizer in lowland rice via farmer participatory research. Journal of Agronomy for Sustainable Development.

    Nhà xuất bản:Journal of Agronomy for Sustainable Development. 2013. Michael T. Rose    Tô Lan Phương       DKNhan et al

  • Water resources management for sustainable agriculture in the Mekong delta, Vietnam: The role of on-farm practices. Presented at Mekong Environmental Symposium, Ho Chi Minh city 05-07th March, 2013 (Abstract volume: 90p). 2013. Đặng Kiều Nhân      Nguyễn Thanh Bình      Tri VPD and Konishi T

  • Outcomes of Vietnam’s Agrarian Policies after “Doi Moi”: A Case Study Of Attempted Agricultural Intensification and Diversification In a Village in Vietnam’s Mekong Delta. Global Journal of Human Social Science, Arts, and Humanities, 13, 6 (2013): 37-47. 2013. Nguyễn Quang Tuyến    

  • Vulnerability, coping and adaptation to water related hazards in the Vietnamese Mekong delta. In: Renaud F. G. and Kuenzer C., (Eds) The Mekong Delta System: Interdisciplinary Analyses of a River Delta, Springer Environmental Science and Engineering. 2013.Birkmaan J , Garchagen M, Tuan VV and    Nguyễn Thanh Bình    
  • Weather variability on rice and aquaculture production in Mekong Delta. Advances in Global Change Research 45.

    Nhà xuất bản:Sringer Longdon New York, tr. 453-464. 2011 Nguyễn Văn Sánh     

  • Impacts of seed clubs in ensuring local seed systems in the Mekong delta – Vietnam. Accepted for publication in the Journal of Sustainable Agriculture (JSA: 183-10). 2011. Huỳnh Quang Tín      Nguyễn Hồng Cúc      Tran Thanh Be, Normita Ignacio, Trygve BergTran Thanh Be, Normita Ignacio, Trygve Berg

  • Impacts of seed clubs in ensuring local seed systems in the Mekong delta – Vietnam. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture (JSA), Vol. 35: 1-15, 2011. Huỳnh Quang Tín      Nguyễn Hồng Cúc      Tran Thanh Be, Normita Ignacio, Trygve Berg

  • High and low value fish chains in the Mekong Delta: challenges for livelihoods and governance. Journal of Environment, Development and Sustainability: Volume 12, Issue 6 (2010), Page 889. Võ Thị Thanh Lộc    Simon Bush, Le Xuan Sinh, Nguyen Tri Khiem

  • Shrimp value chain analyisin the Mekong Delta, Vietnam and qualitative comparison to Thailand – Part 2. Journal of Economic Management Review, V5.No.2, 2010, p.58-67 . Võ Thị Thanh Lộc     

  • Shrimp value chain analyisin the Mekong Delta, Vietnam and qualitative comparison to Thailand – Part 2. Journal of Economic Management Review, V5.No.1, 2010, p. 76-81. Võ Thị Thanh Lộc     

  • Increase of farmer’s knowledge through farmer seed production schools in Vietnam as assessed on the basis of ex-ante and ex-post tests. Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension. Vol. 16, No. 3, 229-247, September 2010. Huỳnh Quang Tín      Paul C. Struik, Lisa L. Price, Nguyen P. Tuyen, Nguyen P. Hoan and Heleen Bos

  • The challenge of integrating disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation. In: Birkmann J, Tetzlaff G and Zentel K (Eds) Addressing the challenge: Recommendations and quality criteria for linking disaster risk reduction and adaptation to climate change. DKKV publication series 38, p18-20. 2009. Garchagen M    Nguyễn Thanh Bình      Thach LN

  • Facilitating dialogue between aquaculture and agriculture: lessons from role-playing games with farmers in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam. Water Policy 11 Supplement 1 (2009) 80–93. Lê Cảnh Dũng   C. T. Hoanh, C. Le Page, F. Bousquet and N. Gajaseni

  • Determinants of rice yields and economic returns in the Mekong delta in the period 1995-2006. Scientific Journal of Can Tho University 4, 119-128 (in Vietnamese with English abstract). 2009. Đặng Kiều Nhân     

  • Study on local community institutions to cope with the flood situation in the Mekong region. SUMERNET, p.1-15. 2009. Nguyễn Văn Sánh    

  • Integrated Agriculture-Aquaculture Systems in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam: An Analysis of Recent Trends. Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development 4,51-66. 2008. Phong, L.T., Udo, H.M.J., van Mensvoort,  M.E.F., Bosma, R.H. Tri, L.Q., Nhan, D.K., van der Zijpp A. J.

  • Rice seed supply systems in the Mekong delta, Vietnam. Asia Life Sciences: 17 (1): 1-20. 2008. Nguyễn Hồng Cúc      P.C. Sta. Cruz, T.H. Borromeo, J.E. Hernandez and H.Q. Tin

  • Water and nutrient budgets of ponds in integrated agriculture-aquaculture farming systems in the Mekong delta, Vietnam. Aquaculture Research 39, 1216-1228. 2008. Đặng Kiều Nhân      Verdegem, Milstein, A., Verreth, A.J.

  • Economic and nutrient discharge tradeoffs of excreta-fed aquaculture in the Mekong delta, Vietnam. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 124, 259-269. 2008. Đặng Kiều Nhân      Verdegem, M.J.C., Binh, N.T., Duong, L.T., Milstein, A., Verreth, J.

  • Economic and nutrient discharges tradeoffs of excreta-fed aquaculture in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 124 (2008)3-4. ISSN 0167-8809, p259 – 269. 2008. . Đặng Kiều Nhân      Nguyễn Thanh Bình      Verdegem MCJ, Duong LT, Milstein A, and Verreth JAV

  •  Microfinance and Poverty Reduction in the Mekong Delta in Vietnam. African and Asian Studies 7 (2008) 191 – 215. Ranjula Bali Swain   Nguyễn Văn Sánh         Võ Văn Tuấn

  • Comparative analysis of local and improved practices used by farmer seed production schools in Vietnam. Field Crops Research 108: 212-221. 2008. Huỳnh Quang Tín      Paul C. Struik, Lisa L. Price, Tran T. Be

  • Managerial Economies of Row Seeding and Upland Crop Production. JIRCAS Working Report No.55. 2007.  Wataru, O., Yamada, R., Vo Van Tuan, Nguyen Duc Loc, and Le Quang Long

  • Extension services and market integration of small farmers: Cases studies of INVE and VN-Dutch Lady in Vietnam. In Fishponds in Farming Systems, A.J. van der Zijpp, J.A.J. Verreth, Le Quang Tri, M.E.F. van Mensvoort, R.H. Bosma and M.C.M Beveridge (eds), Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, pp. 253-59. 2007.  Roel H. Bosma      Rudy H.R. Bijnens, Dick Harting and Tran Thanh Be.

  • “Những thách thức về chính sách phát triển thủy sản vùng đồng bằng sông Cửu Long, Việt Nam: Các vấn đề có liên quan đến an toàn lương thực và tăng trưởng kinh tế”. Bài báo đăng tải bởi Mạng Lưới Nghiên Cứu Mekong Bền Vững (SUMERNET) 2007, trang 99-142 (Tiếng Anh). Võ Thị Thanh Lộc   Simon Bush và Lê Xuân Sinh

  • Integrated freshwater aquaculture, crop and animal production in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam: determinants and the role of the pond. Agricultural systems 94, 445-458. 2007. Đặng Kiều Nhân       Phong, L.T., Verdegem, M.J.C., Duong, L.T., Bosma, R.H., Little, D.C.

  •  Nutrient accumulation and water use efficiency of ponds in integrated agriculture-aquaculture farming systems in the Mekong delta. In: A.J. van der Zijpp, J.A.J. Verreth, L.Q. Tri, M.E.F. van Mensvoort, R.H. Bosma, M.C.M. Beveridge (Ed), Fish ponds in farming systems. Wageningen Academic Publishers, 147-157. 2007. Đặng Kiều Nhân      Duong, L.T., Phong, L.T., Verdegem, M.J.C., Stoorvogel, J., Verreth, J.

  • Water Use and Competition in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam. In: Be, T,T., Sinh, B.T., Miller, F. (Eds), Challenges to Sustainable Development in the Mekong Delta: Regional and National Policy Issues and research Needs. The Sustainable Mekong Research Network, pp. 143-188. 2007. Đặng Kiều Nhân         Be, N.V., Trung, N.H.

  • Integrated freshwater aquaculture, crop and animal production in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam: determinants and the role of the pond. Agricultural systems 94, 445-458. 2007. Đặng Kiều Nhân      Phong, L.T., Verdegem, M.J.C., Duong, L.T., Bosma, R.H., Little, D.C.

  • Food inputs, water quality and nutrient accumulation in integrated pond systems: a multivariate approach. Aquaculture 261, 160-173. 2006. Đặng Kiều Nhân Milstein, A., Verdegem, M.C.J., Verreth, J.A.V

  • Analysis of spatial and temporal variation of the farmers’ rice variety Tai nguyen under changing cropping systems in the Mekong delta, Vietnam. Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter 146: 49-55. 2006. Huỳnh Quang Tín      N.N. De, R. van Treuren, and L. Visser


2.Sách, chương sách, kỷ yếu

Vulnerability Assessment of Different Socio-Economic Groups to Floods in the Rural Mekong Delta. Nhà xuất bản:UNU-EHS Graduate Research Series – PhD Dissertation (9), p 214. 2014. Võ Văn Tuấn    

Towards Sustainability of Integrated Rice-Shrimp Farming System in The Mekong Delta, Vietnam. In: Vietnam Fifty Years of Rice Research and Development. Ministry of Agricultural and Rural Development. 2010. Lê Cảnh Dũng      Nguyễn Văn Sánh      

 Transition of labour force and their emloyments in sub-uban areas of cantho city: potential and challenge. In: Understading policy and practice studies of livelihoods in trastition. Nhà xuất bản:Đại học Huế. 2009. Dương Ngọc Thành      Lê Cảnh Dũng    


3. Bài báo đăng trong kỷ yếu Hội thảo - Hội nghị


  • Integrated flood risk assessment for the Mekong delta through the combined assessment of flood hazard change and social vulnerability. Presented at Mekong Environmental Symposium, Ho Chi Minh city 05-07th March, 2013 (Abstract volume: 48p)

    Garschagen M Apel H, Delgado J, Dung NV, Tuan VV, Birkmann J and Merz B   Nguyễn Thanh Bình      


  • Lessons learn from heavy crop damages by 2011 salinity intrusion in the lower Mekong delta. Presented at Mekong Environmental Symposium, Ho Chi Minh city 05-07th March, 2013 (Abstract volume: 55p) Nguyễn Thanh Bình      


  • Salinity intrusion – a new threat to agriculture in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta. Tropentag 2013, Hohenheim University, Germany. Nguyễn Thanh Bình      

  • Current livestock production and waste management in the rural areas of Tra Vinh province, Vietnam. Proceedings of The first International Conference on Animal Production and Environment, Can Tho city 13-14 December, 2012. Agricultural Publishing House (ISBN: 978-604-60-0056-6), 531-538p.

    Nguyễn Thanh Bình      Khoa NT and Khoa DVA

  • Development of livestock production in the Vietnamese Mekong delta in the period of 2000-2011. Proceedings of The first International Conference on Animal Production and Environment, Can Tho city 13-14 December, 2012. Agricultural Publishing House (ISBN: 978-604-60-0056-6), 564-570p.

    Nguyễn Thanh Bình      Đặng Kiều Nhân       and Khoa DVA

  • Agricultural extension in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam: The case of integrated agriculture-aquaculture. Tropentag 2009, University of Hamburg, Germany.

    Nguyễn Thanh Bình     Hartmann M

  • Managerial Economies of Row Seeding and Upland Crop Production. JIRCAS Working Report (55). 2007. Wataru    Võ Văn Tuấn      Yamada, R., Nguyen Duc Loc, and Le Quang Long


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